
Debate to Dialogue

This interactive community workshop offers a different approach to engaging with people who hold contrasting views. Instead of a debate between two sides defending their positions, dialogue uncovers complexity and cultivates connection by inviting participants to share their personal experiences, values, emotions, and even hesitations. Gain insight into cognitive and emotional processes, practice strategies for navigating heated exchanges, learn to share views in a way that can be heard, and discover the joys of dialogue!


November/December 2021 Online Training

Dates & Times

Session 1: Tuesday 11/30 9 AM – Noon

Session 2: Thursday 12/2 9 AM – Noon

Session 3: Tuesday 12/7 9 AM – Noon


This is an interactive workshop; participants should be present and able to actively participate in each session. The sessions build on each other, so please plan to attend all 3.


$30 Registration fee.

Space is limited. Registration will close November 23, or when capacity is reached.


debate to dialogue

Our community has become so polarized that we rarely have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with people who hold different views. If we do get the chance, the exchange often becomes a shouting match. Dialogue offers a different approach. Instead of a debate with two sides speaking from their positions, dialogue invites participants to share their personal experiences, values, emotions, and even hesitations. Dialogue uncovers complexity and cultivates connection.

In this very interactive workshop, participants will:

  • Gain insight into their own cognitive and emotional processes
  • Practice strategies for navigating heated exchanges
  • Learn to share their views in a way that can be heard
  • Discover the joys of dialogue!